Convert more traffic into sales. Contact us for your "Just Fix It" CRO audit and start optimizing your funnel now.

Get a Free Consultation With A CRO Expert


  • Conversion Rate Optimization Audit

    Conversion Rate Optimization Audit
    Max out the ROI from your current traffic with a CRO audit. We start with “just fix it” recommendations — quick wins proven to boost revenue. Then, we lay out the most promising opportunities for testing, research and ongoing optimization.

  • Customer Research & Interviews

    Customer Research & Interviews
    We’ll use polls and interviews to learn from your happiest customers exactly what they love about you. We’ll also set up interviews with prospects in your target market to better understand how they communicate about the pain point you solve.

  • A:B Testing & User Testing

    A/B Testing & User Testing
    Ongoing testing and analysis is the key to success with conversion rate optimization. We’ll do it all from test design and execution to results analysis. With detailed, best-in-class reporting from your dedicated account manager, you’ll have complete transparency every step of the way — and clear, actionable recommendations to improve your conversion rate.



Conversion rate optimization, or CRO, guides your web visitors quickly down the optimal path to purchase. Just like SEO optimizes websites for search engine crawling and indexing, CRO optimizes websites for conversion rates — the percentage of users on your site that take the desired purchase action. 

CRO requires analyzing your current website performance and looking at how your results compare to competitors. It includes testing using A/B and user testing methods, personalizing the customer experience and using data to drive marketing strategy.

CRO is a continual process that requires ongoing optimization based on how your customers, your products and services, and your industry are evolving.

CRO services set your digital assets up for success, by getting them to motivate visitors to take action, engage with your business and move closer to becoming a customer. Conversion optimization entices users to do what you want them to – whether that’s purchasing what’s in their cart, subscribing to your email list or asking you for a free consultation.
Because web traffic is literally worthless if it’s not converting! Conversion rate optimization strategy:

  • Increases your number of qualified leads
  • Boosts your revenue
  • Decreases your bounce rate
  • Reduces your cart abandonment
  • Lowers your customer acquisition costs
  • Improves the experience you provide your customers  

Without CRO, customer drop-off occurs. Visitors say goodbye to your website. Shoppers abandon their carts. Users get confused about what you’re offering. They don’t know what they should do next, so they bail.

Maybe you’re getting visits from your SEO efforts or the paid ads you’re running. But if those clicks aren’t turning into revenue, what’s the point? If you notice your website visitors aren’t taking your desired action, you need CRO. 

Even when conversions are steady, there’s always room for improvement (such as improving repeat customers and increasing average order values, to name only a couple next steps). 

Conversion rate optimization ensures you’re constantly lowering customer acquisition costs. Plus, it makes for a better overall user experience which not only supports holistic SEO efforts, but encourages users to purchase — and then come back to purchase again and again. 
The conversions you prioritize may look different from other businesses. Quality conversions are actions that drive leads and customers closer to completing a sale. They’re what move the sales funnel process along, bringing more revenue to your business.

Conversions can happen anywhere on your website, from your home page to your blog to your pricing page. You might have specially created landing pages intended to convert, too.

Conversions might include:

  • Joining an email newsletter list
  • Requesting a quote from your business
  • Purchasing a product or service
  • Completing a contact form
  • Downloading a whitepaper or ebook
  • Signing up for a rewards program
  • Creating an account with your organization
  • Adding a product to a cart
Each conversion should lead to the next one in your sales funnel. An email newsletter subscription should eventually lead to a consultation, which should lead to a sale, for example.

At Digital Current, we tailor your CRO campaign to your business. Whether you’re an ecommerce store, a B2B enterprise or a B2C service and all that’s in-between, we apply knowledge about your target customers, data-driven insights  and industry best practices to bring you more conversions and increased revenue.  Digital Current’s CRO deployment aims to:

  • Increase conversion rate
  • Increase average order value (AOV) and/or lifetime value (LTV)
  • Reduce the sales cycle
  • Reduce cost per acquisition/lead (CPA/CPL)
  • Optimize your online conversion funnel
  • Increase revenue
Unbounce did a huge study on this very subject, examining the performance of 16 different industries in 2020. While your business is unique and may have slightly (or wildly) different goals based on what’s uncovered in your audit, here’s a benchmark average for comparison.

  • Software as a service: 9.1% average conversion rate, 2.9% median
  • Ecommerce: 10.8% average conversion rate, 3.5% median
  • Agencies: 7.8% average conversion rate, 1.7% median
  • Business services: 7.5% average conversion rate, 2.6% median
  • Catering and restaurants: 15.6% average conversion rate, 6.1% median
  • Education: 12.3% average conversion rate, 4.5% median
  • Events and leisure: 12.4% average conversion rate, 4.2% median
  • Family support: 7.1% average conversion rate, 2.3% median
  • Finance and insurance: 11.6% average conversion rate, 3.8% median
  • Fitness and nutrition: 12% average conversion rate, 4.2% median
  • Home improvement: 6.1% average conversion rate, 2.6% median
  • Legal: 11.8% average conversion rate, 4.4% median
  • Media and entertainment: 14.5% average conversion rate, 4.8% median
  • Medical practitioners: 6% average conversion rate, 2.4% median
  • Real estate: 6.2% average conversion rate, 2.2% median
  • Travel: 10.3% average conversion rate, 3.4% median
Bar chart showing conversion rate benchmarks by industry Remember that conversion rate is calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the number of visitors. Then, multiply the number by 100 to get the percentage. If your conversion rate isn’t where you want it to be compared to the rest of the players in your industry, it might be time for a free, no-obligation CRO consultation.
CRO goes beyond clicks that lead to visits. It’s all about bringing you more revenue.

Without CRO, you could be wasting ample amounts of time, money and resources on efforts that aren’t bringing you the results your business needs. Unlike social media likes or pageviews, CRO has a direct impact on your bottom line. 

CRO is Easy to Measure

CRO is measurable, so you can easily see what tactics are working and what you need to move on from. We don’t just dive in and do what “feels” right. We look to the numbers to pave the way. We use data that paints a detailed picture of customers, prospects and opportunities and the journeys that lead them to buying from your business.

There are tons of tools to measure CRO effectiveness. A/B testing, heat mapping and other tactics help us uncover CRO opportunities for ongoing improvement.

This goes beyond boring reporting. It’s not just numbers and charts. We make actionable recommendations and always tell you why – and show you the data to back it up.

Turn More Visitors (From Any Channel) Into Customers

We pave the way for site users to engage with your brand — isn’t that the whole point? — with thoughtfully developed conversion rate optimization strategies. Data-driven customer empathy informs recommendations and tactics that encourage users to take action, whether they come direct, through organic search, via paid ads, or any other marketing channel. We tie KPIs directly to your customer’s goals and your business objectives. So what does that all mean? Honest, highly informed CRO and reporting with actionable next steps.
Building your own CRO team is expensive. Just a few positions you’ll need are:

  • UX researcher
  • UX designer
  • Copywriter
  • Frontend developer
  • Solutions engineer
  • Data scientist
  • Project manager

A conversion rate optimization consultant can help with strategy, but you need execution, too, right? And what about complete digital marketing integration — so nothing gets screwed up?

If you want to save time, cut costs and make the best hiring decision, a CRO agency is the best option. An agency dedicates their entire work to all the moving parts required for effective CRO, while balancing the needs of other digital marketing services. 

The Digital Current team can see things through and integrate strategies with SEO, content, link building,

PPC and other digital marketing strategies that drive business results.
CRO services take the form of two major categories: audits and ongoing testing. Both include analysis, research, insights, and recommendations. The most effective CRO engagements stretch across 6-12 months and beyond to allow voluminous data collection and regular shifts in strategy to accommodate your site’s visitors and your business. 

CRO starts with audits — it’s like surveying the land to find out where we should build. These audits uncover the opportunities immediate recommendations as well as ongoing testing. Your first month or two of CRO services will be consumer with audits that then inform the subsequent months’ strategic approach. 

Digital Current offers ongoing CRO retainers, as well as one-off audits. Talk to us to uncover the ideal option for your business.  Our comprehensive CRO strategies include:

  • UX and design audits
  • Analytics audits
  • Landing page optimization
  • Goal and funnel setup/analysis
  • A/B and multivariate testing
  • User testing and heat mapping
  • Customer/audience development
  • Web copy optimization
  • Actionable reports and insights
CRO works when you have a clear vision of where you are and where you need to be, using benchmarks and competitor analyses to optimize for results. CRO identifies areas of improvement so you can test and improve your efforts.

The process involves the following:

  • Define your conversions. Why do they matter? What next step should your customers take? What actions on your website are directly tied to revenue?
  • Map the customer journey. What steps bring the customer to this conversion? What obstacles are there? What will help them move along?
  • Test, measure, optimize, repeat. Once the right conversions are identified and you understand the issues users are encountering, improvements can be implemented, tested and tweaked to optimize conversions.

CRO begins with an audit to see where you’re at. Ongoing optimization and data gathering help you achieve continuous improvement.

CRO Audits

First, CRO requires an audit of your website to see what’s working and what’s not. We analyze your site, your customers and how your current efforts are performing. Then we put together plans to improve your site’s conversion performance. Types of audits include:

Analytics Audit

Google Analytics is a treasure trove of website and audience data — you already know that. But it takes a keen eye to interpret the data to understand your website’s conversion performance and user behavior. We look at dozens of analytics perspectives to uncover opportunities for immediate improvement and ongoing testing and refinement. 

UX Audit

What’s the user experience like on your website? Is it difficult to navigate? Does it cause confusion? Can the design be improved upon? Does it play nice with search engines and real users?

These are the questions we help you answer based on best practices and conversion optimization expertise. You may be surprised at some quick and simple fixes that can dramatically lift conversions based on your site design, navigation, copy and markup.

Competitor Analysis

Your competitors’ websites can reveal some important insights for improvements your business can make. By navigating their sites and seeing the customer journey they take users on, you can experience what they’re doing right and what your business needs to avoid.

Ongoing CRO

With every new digital marketing campaign, landing page, web page, product or service you introduce, there are opportunities for ongoing CRO to keep those conversions coming. When your conversion rate stagnates or (worse) drops, that means your competitors are capturing those conversions instead.

To maintain momentum, increase customer loyalty and continue to delight your customers, we use ongoing CRO strategies. Every CRO technique has measurement in place, so we can analyze results and tweak accordingly. Tactics include:

A/B Testing

By altering a single element and testing two versions of the same page, we can see what’s making a big difference in your conversions. A/B testing can be used on:

  • Layouts
  • Contact forms
  • Imagery
  • Copy and taglines
  • Buttons
  • Calls to action
  • Checkout processes

We use A/B testing to make sure every element of your website is relevant, engaging and, most importantly, converts at a higher rate.


A 2017 report by eConsultancy found 94% of marketers saw an uplift in conversion rates through website personalization, with 33% seeing a major uplift. When you treat users as unique and special individuals through your digital marketing efforts, that makes it easier for them to convert.

At Digital Current, we apply personalization to website design and other digital campaigns through:

  • Targeting customers using personal preferences
  • Creating unique website experiences based on activity history
  • Delivering different content based on user data
  • Tailoring product and service suggestions based on preferences and behaviors
  • Speaking to users in direct voices based on user journey habits

Personalization makes every website experience feel like it was built for that user. It’s a way to capture and retain user attention and build trust with leads and customers.

Heat Mapping

Heat maps provide a visual of how users are engaging with your website. They show where the most users are taking actions and where the “cold spots” on your site are — in other words, where users aren’t paying attention.

At Digital Current, we use the best heat map CRO tools to visualize your website from an insider’s perspective. We look at:

  • Which areas are getting the most clicks and what hyperlinks and calls to action are neglected
  • How far users are scrolling down and which pages are engaging users the most
  • What parts of your website are grabbing user attention, by using scroll tracking to see how many times a particular section was looked at and for how long
  • Where users are moving their arrow pointers throughout your website, by using their mouse or cursor pad

Then, we examine the elements that are causing parts of your website to “heat up” with activity and parts to be left out in the cold. It might be copy, visuals or the way your webpage is laid out. 

Within a single website, there may be a great variance of design that causes some parts to resonate and others to turn users off. Heat maps reveal the intricacies.

Session Recordings

Session recordings are actual video recordings of users interacting with your website. They show:

  • The journey users go on with your website
  • What pages they land on, in what order
  • Any confusion they might encounter and backtracking they do
  • What pages they linger on
  • What pages they engage with the most
  • What parts of your website users are clicking on
  • What pages are most likely to lead to visitor abandonment

Session recordings provide powerful insights about how real users interact with your website. In just a few session recordings, you may start to see patterns of how visitors use your site, and can then compare that to how you want them to use your site. 

User Testing

As new campaigns and website designs are rolled out, user testing uncovers the response. You might have a completely different idea of how something should work compared to how it’s actually used. For optimal usability, fill in the gaps with testing. User testing involves testing for:

  • Specific actions you want a user to take
  • Broad actions
  • The entire customer journey/sales funnel

You can use testing to see how customers come to complete the tasks you want them to. Uncover insights into detours they took or shortcuts that led them to the desired conversion. Then apply those insights to optimize the site design.

Customer interviews

You can watch how users interact with a site, but you won’t know the reasoning behind their actions. Customer interviews reveal motivations behind behaviors and give you clues as to why you’re not converting. These real customer touchpoints also provide valuable feedback to inform brand messaging, website copy, special offers, and more. 

Tools like video conferencing make interviewing customers easy. Even a quick 5-minute chat with a few users can lead to better customer understanding.

Polls and User Feedback Surveys

Online polls and user feedback surveys work similarly to interviews. Tools like Google Forms and SurveyMonkey can be used to create brief or in-depth surveys about what users think of your website. You can link to the forms through emails, social media, a pop-up on your home page, you name it.

Use interviews, polls and surveys to see what visitors want to achieve from your website, why they’d use it and what problems they’re facing in the customer journey.

Custom event tracking

Using a tool like Google Analytics, custom event tracking can be set up to see the journey users take to complete a conversion and what they do afterward. Custom event tracking lets you go beyond tracking default metrics like session duration, exit pages and bounce rate. You’re able to set up goals, like a customer seeing an “order confirmed” page after making a purchase, and create the funnel that takes users to the goal.

You can track clicks on call to action buttons, click-based downloads, custom widget interactions, form errors, video engagement and, most importantly, conversion rate optimization variations. Getting a clearer view of the whole user journey through custom event tracking helps you see what’s leading to and impeding conversions.

Web Copy Optimization

The words you present on your website can significantly influence buyers. Emotional and rational appeals need to be made to attract and retain attention and turn it into a conversion.

Your web copy needs to be aligned with the pain points your customers are facing and the solutions they’re looking for. It needs to fit your buyer personas. We help our clients identify ways to improve copy to compel users to convert by using CRO insights to inform web copy, plus testing copy variations to find which has the best appeal.
Selling online requires conversion strategy every step of the way. We specialize in ecommerce CRO services including:

  • Website navigation
  • Website design and site layout and structure
  • Content optimization
  • Product descriptions
  • Mobile optimization
  • Website personalization
  • Customer service options, including live chat

With ecommerce CRO, we uncover why shoppers abandon their carts. We provide ways to increase revenue per visit and/or average order value. We help you identify why people are coming to your site but aren’t purchasing. We get shoppers to return and purchase from you again and again.
Data should drive all of your digital marketing decisions, including CRO efforts. By implementing all of the above audit and ongoing CRO techniques, you’re going to gather quite a bit of data. You’ll need to synthesize the following to make smart, efficient, effective digital marketing decisions:

  • Website traffic
  • Customer purchase data
  • Geographic and demographic information
  • PPC data
  • Email tracking
  • Click data
  • Social media data

Anything that provides insights into what your customers are like and how they behave will have value beyond just CRO. Some ways you can leverage CRO to advance your overall digital marketing efforts include:

  • Predictive analytics: Use data to predict users’ future behavior and offer better options. This can lead to better personalization on your site. Speaking of which…
  • Personalization: Data can be used to create improved personalized experiences and recommendations that are more likely to convert.
  • User behavior modeling: Create a model of how your top customers interact with your website and apply those insights to your overall digital strategy.
  • A/B testing: Results from these tests can be used to infer changes across your online ecosystem, from copy and messaging, to imagery and aesthetics, even down to the most effective CTA button style.

Data can drive marketing for new product launches, content initiatives and site redesigns. At Digital Current, we deliver actionable reports and insights you can implement immediately to see a lift in conversions. We’re also happy to implement, measure, track and optimize them all for you.
CRO won’t have a negative impact on your SEO.

Ideally, CRO and SEO work together to give your business the best results. SEO gets visitors to your website. CRO engages visitors and gets them to convert.

CRO and SEO are both inherently focused on providing the very best customer experience. That means:

  • Relevant information ->
    • Delivered at the right time ->
      • To satisfy your customer’s pain points ->
        • And provide the solutions they’re looking for

CRO affects SEO in reverse, too. The more users engage with your site, the more that signals to the search engines that your site is a valuable, trustworthy source of information in your space. 

As you optimize your site with the right keywords, you should be getting more conversions. And as you get more engagement and conversions on your site, that strengthens those keywords’ SERP ranking.

That said — it’s still possible to throw off SEO by making CRO-focused changes, and vice versa. That’s why it’s important to have a CRO agency on your team with integrated SEO services.
There’s no magic wand for CRO. Depending on how good (or, ahem, in need of work) your site is now, that will influence how long it’ll take to see results.

First, you’ll need a detailed understanding of your target customers, your market and your competitors. 

Then, the really important part: the audit and review of your site. This step is so crucial because it uncovers the issues that need to be addressed in a CRO strategy.

Once CRO is implemented and measurement and tracking is in place, insights should start appearing. In some cases, you could see significant lift in just a month or two.

If you’ve executed CRO for 6 months or more and aren’t seeing any improvements, there are definitely changes that need to be made. Read the 10 signs you’re doing CRO wrong.

Not seeing results? Let us help you learn why.
Like an ROI timeline, CRO services pricing will depend on where you’re at and the work that needs to be done. CRO services pricing can range from a few hundred dollars a month at the very low end, up to $20,000 per month and higher for exceptionally large businesses. Medium and enterprise-level businesses can expect to pay roughly $3,000 to $15,000 per month for ongoing CRO services. 

But the main factor to consider when comparing pricing is:

What is the return on investment these CRO services will provide my business?

Spending thousands a month on CRO can seem daunting — until you realize it can lead to hundreds of thousands, even millions, of dollars in more annual revenue. Cheaper’s rarely better, especially in the case of CRO. Look for an agency that:

  • Provides demonstrated case studies so you know what type of results to expect
  • Offers transparency in timelines and expected results
  • Gives you frequent updates and offers communication whenever you need it
  • Works with you as a partner, supporting you every step of the way with actionable data, recommendations and implementation services

The wrong CRO can result in a messed-up website and user experience that takes even more time and a bigger financial investment to fix. Make the best investment with a reputable agency that makes your results their priority.

“We’ve seen millions of dollars in return on a few hundred thousand in investment, so the value that we are receiving has been incredible.”

Erin Triman, Senior Digital Marketing Manager

“We wouldn’t be where we are without Digital Current’s CRO.” 

Jill Malone, Director of Marketing


How about 5X? Or 10X? Let’s get optimizing.

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